What is the Unified State Exam and how should it be taken? Unified State Exam. Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian What is the Unified State Exam

For two years now, the Unified State Examination in mathematics has been divided into two exams - basic and specialized. Let's look at the most important thing: what are the differences between the exams and what is each of them for?

Let's look at the two levels of the Unified State Examination in mathematics in more detail.


  1. Consists of one part - 20 tasks with a short answer (the answer to each of the tasks can be an integer, a final decimal fraction or a sequence of numbers)
  2. Exam duration - 3 hours

As can be seen from the graph, the basic exam contains tasks of three difficulty levels. The largest amount is allocated to tasks at grades 1–6. Solving all problems from this block ensures passing the exam.

Who should take only the basic exam:

  • For applicants to philology, theater and other specialties where the Unified State Examination result in mathematics is not required as an entrance exam
  • For students who decide to pass the basics already in 10th grade in order to devote more time to subjects important for admission
  • Poorly studied, missed the 10-11 grade program in mathematics

Pros of choosing a basic exam:

  • saving time on preparation
  • no costs for a tutor
  • opportunity to take the exam in 10th grade


  • limitation of choice of specialties
  • Preparation difficulties may arise if you decide to take the profile at the last moment


  1. It consists of two parts - 9 tasks with a short answer in the first, 5 tasks with a short answer and 7 tasks with a detailed answer in the second.
  2. Exam duration - 3 hours 55 minutes

In the profile exam, there are also simple tasks from the syllabus for grades 1–6, but unlike the base, their number is reduced to two, and the wording itself is slightly more complicated. A fairly large block of tasks is allocated to the program for grades 7–9 - 8 tasks, 7 of which are quite easy and one difficult task in geometry. The remaining tasks are divided into material that should be learned in grades 10–11 and 2 tasks at the Olympiad level. Olympiad tasks are not included in the school curriculum and must be mastered independently or in classes with a tutor.

Who should take only the specialized exam:

  • Students who want to enroll in technical universities.
  • For those who decide to apply not only for humanities specialties, but also for related areas: public relations, personnel management, etc.
  • Those who want to try their hand at the profile.

Advantages of choosing a specialized exam:

  • wider choice of specialties
  • the opportunity to use the results for admission to related specialties


  • complex preparation
  • Additional training is required for best results

! What you need to remember if both a profile and a base are selected.

The decision to also take the basic level can significantly complicate life for those who need a profile.

Applicants for some reason who did not pass the profile exam on day 1 (due to health reasons, could not cope with nerves, spoiled the form, etc.) are not allowed to retake if they also chose the basic exam. Therefore, if you are confident in your abilities and are going to apply only to areas where the result of a specialized exam is required, consider refusing the basic level, even if the school insists on passing it.

Now that we have figured out what the Unified State Examination in mathematics is, we are sharing with you tips that will definitely help you in the exam.

  1. Hints are in the tasks themselves.
    When completing tasks from the Unified State Exam, you will certainly come across such wording in the task “Round your answer to hundredths” or “Round your answer to whole numbers.” This instruction will help you avoid making a mistake. If the answer turns out to be a whole number without rounding, it means there was an error in the solution and you should solve the problem again.
  2. Olympic tasks.
    Just above we said that there are 2 such tasks in the profile exam and both are not included in the school curriculum. Often students do not even try to solve these problems. But even completing part of such a task will earn you a few points. Try it!
  3. Use the Unified State Exam standards.
    Please remember that answers in the first part of the exam must always be a whole number or a decimal. If your answer turns out to be a number with a root, it means that the answer is incorrect and requires double-checking.

And if you want to ask questions to the teacher and learn even more about the Unified State Exam in mathematics, we invite you to a free webinar “How to properly prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics,” which will take place on September 21 at 19:00.

Want to test your knowledge level? Take a free course prepared by our teachers.

Join our team to prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics! You can purchase an annual course with a 75% discount until October 1.

In 2018, the Unified State Exam test in social studies consists of two parts, including 29 tasks.

Part 1: 20 tasks (No. 1–20) with a short answer (choose the correct answer from those proposed, establish a correspondence between the elements of two sets, insert the missing word in the text);

Part 2: 9 tasks (No. 21-29) with a detailed answer (answers to questions, mini-essays)

What does the Unified State Examination codifier in social studies consist of?

The Unified State Examination codifier, as always, consists of 5 large sections -

"Human and society"


"Social Relations"

The Unified State Examination in social studies is a serious test for a modern school graduate. To successfully pass the Unified State Exam, students need to have knowledge in the field of economics, politics, social relations, spiritual life. The student must be aware of all the changes that occur not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the world as a whole. We know that after the compulsory subjects of mathematics and the Russian language, social studies is the most popular elective subject. When preparing students to take the Unified State Exam in social studies, I use the following rules:

First, you need to make a preparation and repetition plan and strictly follow it. Particular attention should be paid to topics that are most difficult for students to understand, and also on which the largest number of errors were made on the Unified State Exam of previous years.

Secondly, solving practical tasks should be carried out after mastering the theoretical course. Practical tasks should be formed based on the material covered, as well as from simple tasks to complex ones. To successfully complete USE tasks, constant training in solving these tasks is required. The more students solve USE tasks from previous years and tasks from the open bank of social studies tasks 2014 FIPI, the more experience they will have, and, therefore, the fewer unpleasant surprises they will expect during the exam.

Thirdly, it is necessary to teach students to read the text of assignments, understand the wording of the question and clearly answer the question posed. In the process of this work, it is recommended to use various tasks, the essence of which is to analyze the wording of the question and select the correct answer.

Fourthly, the teacher should pay great attention to analyzing the tasks that caused the greatest difficulty. To do this, it is necessary to analyze all the works written by students and highlight the most difficult ones, analyze them in class or consultation, find similar tasks and practice their solution.

Fifthly, it is very important that students understand: without independent, systematic individual work, high results in the exam will not be achieved.

Sixth, it is necessary to conduct several trial Unified State Examinations throughout the year so that students and the teacher can once again see problematic topics and assignments and fill in the gaps.

Seminar 10. Technological approach in modern social studies teaching

In connection with the widespread discussion of all the pros and cons of a compulsory school exam, those far from educational system people have a question: what is the Unified State Exam? This article will introduce you to the Unified State Exam.

The Unified State Exam is a form of universal control of knowledge for a course of secondary general education. As mentioned above, the decoding of the abbreviation Unified State Examination is the Unified State Examination. In this type of test, graduates are offered tasks of a certain format in written form. The exception is the Unified State Exam in English, which includes oral and written parts.

Russian and mathematics (basic level) are required. In addition, upon completion of grade 11, students can take any of the 14 general education subjects for admission to a university.

The exam is mandatory not only for all Russian citizens, but also for those who studied abroad. Certain groups of people are not allowed to take the Unified State Examination, including:

  • those who have academic debt;
  • students who did not pass the final essay;
  • not having annual grades in one or more general education subjects.

What does the exam affect?

In order to understand what the Unified State Exam is, you need to understand what depends on this exam.

First of all, the points earned on the Unified State Exam influence admission to universities and institutes. Each university independently selects additional subjects to take.

The disciplines of each direction are different. For example, to enter the medical faculty you need to pass, in addition to Russian language and mathematics, chemistry and biology. To apply for foreign philology, you must pass a foreign language and literature (in some universities social studies). On the official websites of universities you can find a list of subjects of all areas, arranged in order of priority. As a rule, the passing score of the Unified State Exam is directly dependent on the prestige of the university.

From 2019, scores for this exam will also influence the possibility of receiving a gold medal. Now graduates must score at least 270 points in three subjects to receive a medal.

What are the Unified State Examination tasks?

What is the Unified State Exam and what does this exam require from graduates?

The tasks of the compulsory exam are called CMM (control and measuring materials). They are compiled according to a specific model developed by FIPI. On the FIPI website you can also find samples of Unified State Exam tests for practicing the skills necessary for successful passing. The exam contains both short-answer and long-answer tasks.

The options for Unified State Exam tasks are not the same in different regions. This is done to prevent job leakage. The Unified State Exam options provided to different regions are usually of the same type and identical in complexity.

Let's consider the format of tasks for the main exams - Russian and mathematics.

Mathematics is divided into basic and profile levels, but the profile is taken at will. When passing the profile level, the basic exam is optional.

The Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics includes only a test part of 20 tasks. The answer to them is one or more numbers without separation signs or a decimal fraction. Basic level tasks are relatively simple and are aimed at testing the ability to apply school course knowledge in life situations.

Unified State Examination tasks in profile-level mathematics are divided into 2 parts depending on the level of complexity and format. The first part consists of 8 tasks with a short answer. The second part includes 4 tasks with a short answer and 7 with a detailed answer. Completing tasks with a detailed answer requires a complete recording of the solution with detailed justification.

The Unified State Examination in the Russian language is required for admission to any major. It consists of 24 tasks for choosing one of the proposed answers and one task with a detailed answer. Recording Unified State Exam tests on the answer form involves writing a word, number or sequence thereof without separating characters.

The second part of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language is an essay on this text using fiction from the school curriculum.

Unified State Examination time

The standard period for taking the Unified State Exam is May-June. Most schoolchildren take it at this time. However, if you need to take the test ahead of schedule, you can do it in the early period, in April, or in the additional period, in May.

Certain groups of people have the right to surrender early. These include:

  • persons studying in evening schools who are called up for military service;
  • participants in sports competitions or olympiads;
  • those who need treatment;
  • people traveling urgently abroad.

During the additional period the Unified State Examination can be taken by:

  • graduates of previous years;
  • vocational education graduates;
  • Foreigners.

Procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam

You must bring your passport with you to the exam. All personal belongings, except for a black gel pen for filling out forms and a passport, are left outside the classroom. To turn in some items you will need to bring a ruler, pencil or non-programmable calculator.

Every year, the conditions for passing the exam are becoming more stringent, and the Unified State Exam options are becoming more complicated, which is due to the reduction of budget places in universities.

It is impossible to use any electronic devices: all applicants are checked by a metal detector. Even if the student did not use the cheat sheet, but the organizers noticed it, the exam results will be cancelled. An attempt to cheat may result in a retake in a year.

A certain time is allotted for performing CMM, which depends on the specific subject. This period includes both completing tasks and transferring them to special forms. Experts do not check drafts. After the allotted period of time, the organizer takes the form from the graduate.

The exam differs from the usual regular knowledge control in that the test takers perform tasks under online video surveillance. This decision was made to ensure a fair assessment of each student's knowledge.

You should not pay attention to the cameras during the exam, this will only cause unnecessary anxiety. For those who independently and honestly complete tasks, observation is not scary.

In addition to all of the above, if you have a medical certificate, you can bring medications or food into the classroom.

How should a graduate behave during the Unified State Exam?

There are some rules for student behavior during the Unified State Exam, familiarization with which will help you avoid problems during the exam. Lenders are strictly prohibited from:

  • bring personal items into the classroom (phones, textbooks, cheat sheets, etc.);
  • talk to other alumni;
  • change seats;
  • exchange things;
  • leaving class without permission.

Unified State Examination test

Each student's work is anonymous. Each graduate is assigned a code, which he must enter on the form.

Samples of work are checked by expert teachers according to clear criteria, which can also be found on the FIPI website. Verification is carried out by three experts. In case of disagreement, the assignment will be given an average score.

Grading system

Exam results vary by subject as each exam has its own grading scale. To overcome this difference, the system converts the primary scores into secondary scores (on a 100-point scale) when assigning results. The translation is carried out in the order shown in the picture.

If a graduate has doubts about the accuracy of the expert review, he can file an appeal. The work will be sent for manual review of all assignments. However, it is worth remembering that when checking again, you can either gain additional points or lose them.

The assessment system sets a certain threshold for each subject, which determines whether the graduate has minimum knowledge for the course of the school curriculum. If the threshold is not met, the student is given the opportunity to retake the exam on reserve days. If you receive a grade below satisfactory in two compulsory subjects, you can retake it only after a year.

Of course, in order to avoid stress and save yourself from surprises during the exam, you need to not only clearly understand what the Unified State Exam is, but also regularly devote time to systematic preparation. Then the exam tasks will not seem so daunting.

, is a mandatory exam for 11th grade graduates. Statistically, it is the most difficult.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with general information about the exam and begin preparing immediately. The 2019 exam is no different from last year - this applies to both the basic and specialized options.

Basic level of the Unified State Examination

This option is suitable for graduates in two cases if:

  1. you will not need mathematics to enter a university;
  2. you do not intend to continue your studies after graduation.

If your chosen specialty has a field with the subject “mathematics,” then the basic level is not your option.

Basic Exam Scoring

The formula for converting primary scores into test scores is updated every year and becomes known after the early period of the Unified State Exam. A decree from Rosobrnadzor has already been issued, which officially established the correspondence of primary and test scores in all subjects for 2019.

According to the order, in order to pass the basic Unified State Exam in mathematics with at least a C, you need to score 12 primary points. This is equivalent to completing any 12 tasks correctly. The maximum initial score is 20.

Basic Exam Structure

The 2019 Basic Level Math test consists of 20 short answer questions that are either a whole number, a finite decimal, or a sequence of numbers. The answer must either be calculated or choose one of the proposed options.

Profile level of the Unified State Examination

This Unified State Exam in 2019 is no different from the Unified State Exam last year.

It is the profile level that graduates must pass for admission to universities, because in the vast majority of specialties mathematics is indicated as the main subject for admission.

Profile test assessment

There is nothing specific here: as usual, you collect initial points, which are then converted into test scores. And already using a 100-point system you can determine the mark for the exam.

In order for the exam to be accepted, it is enough to score 6 primary points. To do this, you need to solve at least 6 tasks of part 1. The maximum initial score is 32.

Structure of the profile test

In 2019, the Unified State Exam test in mathematics at the profile level consists of two parts, including 19 tasks.

  • Part 1: 8 tasks (1–8) of basic difficulty level with a short answer.
  • Part 2: 4 tasks (9–12) of an increased level of complexity with a short answer and 7 tasks (13–19) of an increased and high level of complexity with a detailed answer.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

  • Pass Unified State Exam tests online for free without registration and SMS. The tests presented are identical in complexity and structure to the actual exams conducted in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Examination in mathematics, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests have been developed and approved for preparation for the Unified State Exam by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). All official versions of the Unified State Exam are developed in the same FIPI.
  • Check out with basic formulas to prepare for the exam, they will help refresh your memory before starting to complete the demo and test options.

The tasks that you will see most likely will not appear on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.

General Unified State Examination figures

Year Minimum Unified State Examination score Average score Number of participants Failed, % Qty<
100 points
Duration -
Exam length, min.
2009 21
2010 21 43,35 864 708 6,1 160 240
2011 24 47,49 738 746 4,9 205 240
2012 24 44,6 831 068 7,5 56 240
2013 24 48,7 803 741 6,2 538 240
2014 20 46,4 240
2015 27 45,6 235
2016 27 46,2 892 229 15,33 296 235
2017 27 47,1 14,34 224 235

What is the Unified State Examination?

The Unified State Exam (USE) has become firmly established in the lives of school graduates. Since 2009, the Unified State Exam has been the main form of state final certification of graduates of 11 (12) grades of schools in the Russian Federation, as well as a form of entrance tests to Russian universities. At the same time, disputes surrounding the feasibility and procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam do not subside to this day, and changes are made annually. But, first of all, it would be worthwhile to figure out what it is - the Unified State Exam.

Unified State Exam (USE) - this is a form of state final certification (FCA) for educational programs of secondary general education. When conducting the Unified State Exam, control measuring materials (CMMs) are used, which are sets of tasks of a standardized form, as well as special forms for filling out answers to tasks.

Admission to take the Unified State Exam from the 2014/2015 academic year is final essay (presentation) , which graduates write in 11th (12th) grade.

What subjects can be taken (USE 2017)

To obtain a certificate, it is enough to successfully pass two compulsory subjects: Russian language and mathematics (basic).

It should be noted that, if desired, a student can take both basic and specialized mathematics.

Having received a certificate, a graduate can continue his education at higher educational institutions, technical schools, colleges, etc. But in order to enter a university, he must pass elective subjects and, if necessary, specialized mathematics . For most universities, it is enough to pass a total of three Unified State Examinations, but some educational institutions require more. Information about entrance examinations and the minimum number of points required for submitting documents is published on the websites of universities. Therefore, already at the beginning of the 10th (11th) grade, it is worth deciding on the choice of subjects that the student plans to take, in order to pay more attention to these disciplines.

Depending on the desired educational institution, additional subjects are selected: some need physics for admission, some need social studies, and some need biology. There are educational institutions where, in addition to the Unified State Exam results, you will have to take an additional exam related to your future professional activity, as a rule, this is a creative exam.

In addition to Russian and mathematics (basic and/or specialized), you can take 12 subjects:

- Physics
- Chemistry
- Story
- Social science
- Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT)
- Biology
- Geography
- Literature
- English language
- German
- French
- Spanish

Participants take these 2017 Unified State Exam subjects on a voluntary basis. You can donate any number of items from this list.

The list of entrance examinations in universities for each specialty (direction of training) is determined by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 4, 2014. No. 1204 (as amended on October 13, 2015) “On approval of the list of entrance tests for admission to higher education educational programs - undergraduate programs and specialty programs.”

Unified State Exam 2017 deadlines

To conduct the Unified State Exam 2017, three stages are established: an early period (late March - early May), the main stage (late May - early July) and an additional period (September deadlines). Within each period, main and reserve days for taking exams are established. To pass the Unified State Examination in the main stage, you must submit an application before March 1.

As in 2016, the schedule, along with reserve dates for conducting the Unified State Examination in individual academic subjects, provides an additional reserve day for conducting exams in all academic subjects. It is necessary for those participants who, for any reason, were unable to participate in the exam on the main or reserve day, for example, due to the coincidence of two chosen subjects on the same day or absence from the exam for a valid reason.

Rules and procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam 2017

When taking the Unified State Exam, the exam procedure is strictly followed. The exam in all academic subjects starts at 10.00 local time. The Unified State Exam is conducted in writing in Russian (with the exception of the “Speaking” section in the Unified State Exam in foreign languages). When appearing for the exam, the Unified State Exam participant must present an identification document (hereinafter referred to as a passport). In addition to the passport, the USE participant takes with him a pen, medicine and food (if necessary), teaching and educational tools (for mathematics, a ruler; for physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; for chemistry - a non-programmable calculator; for geography - a ruler, protractor, non-programmable calculator) ; USE participants with disabilities, disabled children and disabled people - special technical means. All other personal items are left in a designated area. During the exam, Unified State Examination participants are prohibited from carrying with them a notice of registration for exams, communications equipment, electronic computer equipment, photo, audio and video equipment, reference materials (except those permitted, which are contained in the KIM), written notes and other means of storage and transfer of information.

During the assembly and seating in the classroom, Unified State Exam participants are constantly accompanied by representatives from the school (chaperones) and organizers, whose instructions must be strictly followed. In case of any controversial issues, please contact the organizers. During the exam, USE participants are prohibited from taking exam materials (EM) on paper and (or) electronic media, writing materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information from the classrooms and PPE, taking photographs of EM, talking to each other, exchanging any materials and objects with other USE participants, rewrite KIM assignments into drafts with the stamp of the USE educational organization, arbitrarily leave the classroom and move around the PPE without the accompaniment of an organizer outside the classroom. In case of violations of these requirements and refusal to comply with them, the organizers, together with members of the State Examination Commission (SEC), have the right to remove the Unified State Examination participant from the exam. The examination work of such a participant is not checked.

Unified State Exam forms

Particular attention should be paid to filling out the forms - the quality of the check and the results will depend on this. There are specific instructions for completing the forms that students will be introduced to at their school. In addition, you need to carefully read the instructions for performing the work specified in the CMM and strictly adhere to them. For all questions about filling out, please contact the organizers who are present in the audience. All forms must be filled out only with a gel or capillary pen with black ink.

Minimum points

The minimum number of points that a Unified State Exam participant needs to score is established by Rosobrnadzor order No. 794-10 dated March 23, 2015. “On establishing the minimum number of points in the Unified State Examination required for admission to undergraduate and specialty programs, and the minimum number of points in the Unified State Examination confirming completion of the educational program of secondary general education”

to obtain a certificate :
- Russian language - 24 points (according to the 100-point grading system);
- profile-level mathematics - 27 points (according to the 100-point grading system);
- basic level mathematics - 3 points (according to a five-point grading system).

Minimum number of points required to pass compulsory subjects for admission to a university (submission of documents) :
- Russian language - 36 points ;
- profile-level mathematics - 27 points (according to a hundred-point rating system) .

Minimum number of points required to pass elective subjects (according to a hundred-point rating system) :
- physics - 36 points;
- chemistry - 36 points;
- computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - 40 points;
- biology - 36 points;
- history - 32 points;
- geography - 37 points;
- social studies - 42 points;
- literature - 32 points;
- foreign languages ​​(English, German, French, Spanish) - 22 points.

It should be noted here that the passing scores required for admission to a university for budget-funded places in many universities in the country significantly exceed the minimum number of points. For admission to paid education, the minimum points are quite enough, of course, if the number of paid places is not limited.

Scaling Unified State Exam results

The Unified State Exam results for each exam are first calculated in primary scores depending on the tasks completed. Then the primary scores are converted into USE test scores on a 100-point scale based on statistical data. It is this result that is necessary to obtain a certificate and enter a university. This procedure is called scaling. It is carried out for all subjects, with the exception of the Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics. Unified State Exam results in basic level mathematics are given in primary scores (0-20) or as a percentage of the maximum score (0-100%), can be converted into marks on a five-point scale, but are not converted into a hundred-point scale of test scores.

Unified State Exam 2017 results

The USE results of each participant are entered into the federal information system; paper certificates of USE results are not provided. The results are valid for 4 years following the year in which such results were obtained.

Retake the Unified State Exam

If a Unified State Exam participant (current year graduate) receives a result below the established minimum number of points in one of the compulsory subjects, he has the right to retake it in additional terms provided for by the unified schedule.

If a USE participant (all categories) does not receive the minimum number of USE points in elective subjects, retaking the USE for such USE participants is provided only after a year.

Graduates of 2017 who received unsatisfactory results in two compulsory academic subjects (Russian language and mathematics), or who repeatedly received an unsatisfactory result in one of these subjects at the State Academic Examination in additional terms, will have the opportunity to participate in the Unified State Examination in Russian language and basic level mathematics in additional ( September) period.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

To successfully pass the exams, of course, you need to prepare a lot and persistently on your own. It is worth remembering that the higher the scores obtained on the Unified State Exam, the easier it is to enter the best universities in our country. It is necessary to solve tests in selected subjects, because the more KIMs solved, the more successful the graduate will be in the exam. It's no secret that the main thing in working with tests, of course, besides knowledge, is the opportunity to get better at it. This is why you need to pass as many tests in subjects as possible. Today on the Internet you can find many sites offering CMMs for various subjects. One of the most convenient sites where you can prepare before the Russian language exam is