What are car struts? What are car struts? How is the rear strut mounted on a VAZ 217130

If you have begun to feel all the unevenness of Russian roads with your whole body, then, apparently, it is time to check and, if necessary, replace the rear struts of your car. This structural unit is subject to particular wear and tear during regular travel on country roads and when transporting heavy loads. Along with the rear struts on your VAZ 2109, the rear springs are usually replaced, so let’s consider carrying out this work as a whole.

To gain access to the 9's rear pillar assembly, you will first need to remove the trunk trim. Carefully remove this part from the rear wheel arch area. This is the only way to gain access to the upper rear wheel shock absorber mounting assembly.

The upper mounting assembly of the rear wheel strut is fixed with a nut, which can be unscrewed using a spanner. When unscrewing the nut, hold the rod in one position using an open-end wrench with dimension “6”.

After releasing the upper mounting assembly, proceed to the lower assembly. To gain access to this structure, you need to jack up the rear of the car, hang out and remove the rear wheel, which blocks access to the rack. When hanging a part of the car, try to secure it with an additional support.

The lower assembly of the rear wheel strut is fixed with a nut 19. Unscrew it using a wrench and remove the bolt of the lower shock absorber assembly.

Remove the entire rear pillar structure. Along with the shock absorber, you will also have a spring in your hands. Also remove the rubber gasket located between the spring and the body of your car.

A special spacer sleeve is attached to the top of the shock-absorbing rod. It can be removed and used with a new shock absorber. The absence of a bushing will allow the rear pillar of your car to break its seat, located inside the wheel arch. When replacing the shock absorber, also apply silicone grease to the entire rod, this will significantly extend the service life of the entire structure.

After replacing the worn parts, you can begin the reassembly process. When assembling, secure the upper assembly gasket to the car body with adhesive tape.

Place the rear strut assembly in its seat. The spring is in an extended form. Secure the lower strut assembly bolt without tightening it.

Place a support between the car body and the rear beam. When gradually lowering the machine body, guide the rack rod into the upper mounting hole located on the fender liner. Once the end of the rod appears in the trunk, secure and tighten the nut of the upper strut mounting assembly.

Remove the additional support and jack, then tighten the nut of the lower shock absorber mounting.

Video - Replacing the rear struts of a VAZ 2110

Vehicle safety comes first. This applies to both foreign cars and the favorites of the domestic automobile industry. VAZ 2114 is a domestic legend, the repair of which is convenient and simple. The main thing is to know what to do. A common problem with the 14's is with the rear shock absorbers. Competent step-by-step instruction– the key to high-quality replacement of racks.

We arm ourselves with tools and spare parts.

You can't do without tools and spare parts. Replacing the rear struts of a VAZ 2114 will require the following “arsenal”:

  • new shock absorbers;
  • jack;
  • a set of keys. 17 and 19 mm are especially useful;
  • special keys for fixing and removing wheels;
  • vice and puller;
  • hammer and pliers.

The choice of racks deserves special attention. Their varieties:

  • Oily. Traditional option. Soft and comfortable. Suitable for a quiet ride;
  • Gas. Tough and expensive. Not suitable for every occasion;
  • Gas-oil. A kind of compromise between the previous options. Very common.

The choice depends entirely on the preferences of the owner and the size of his wallet. Armed with everything you need, you can proceed to directly replacing the rear struts.

Step-by-step instruction.

Doing it yourself will work out cheaper. The sequence is as follows:

  1. We prepare the place and tools. The surface on which the car is located must be level. A pit is desirable, but not required. Without it, work will be carried out in a lying position. To be on the safe side, install wheel chocks or chocks on the front wheels. To be sure, you can even turn up the speed;
  2. Loosen and remove the wheel bolts. A 19mm wrench is required. Before direct repairs, all nuts can be treated with penetrating lubricant (WD-40, by the way, here are the recipes) - this saves time and effort;
  3. We put a jack and lift the rear part of the VAZ 2114, after which we remove the wheels. We work with the jack carefully and carefully!;
  4. Open the trunk and remove everything unnecessary. There is a rubber plug “hiding” under the shelf - remove it with a screwdriver. Behind the plug there is a rod with a tightened nut. You can unscrew it with a 17 mm L-shaped key and a special key for fixing the rod. If there is no key, then pliers will do; Next, remove the support washer (using a magnetic handle)

  1. We unscrew the nut securing the shock absorber to the beam; you will need two 19mm open-end wrenches. Remove the bolt that secures the strut to the beam. If that doesn’t work, knock it out with a smaller bolt. Carefully remove the shock absorber from its seat and remove the entire rack (it may fall, be sure to support it).

  1. Important: do not forget to remove the stuck insulating gasket (this often happens) from the inside of the glass, which is placed on the spring (see photo).

  1. We remove the spring, remove the spacer sleeve and shock absorber cushion. Remove the cover from the casing. Remove the compression stroke buffer (bump stop) from the rod.

  1. After this, we take a new rack with the rod fully extended (otherwise nothing will work) and put the casing, bump stop, cover, cushion and bushing on it. The spring and gasket are installed last. Advice: before installation it is worth“bleed” the shock absorbers , as this greatly increases efficiency and service life. “Pumping” is carried out by turning the structure over. At the same time, the oil spreads throughout the spare part;

  1. We install the new structure in reverse order. This can be difficult. There are situations when the stand simply “does not want to climb” into its rightful place. This can be corrected by lifting the beam with a jack;
  2. We secure the rod with a nut and secure it with a gasket. Tighten all the nuts;
  3. We put the wheels in their place and remove the jacks;
  4. We repeat the above steps on the other side.

That's all. The withdrawal procedure was successful. Every step is important - there is no point in skipping even one. There are some removal features that you should be familiar with.

  • Before direct installation, we carefully inspect the purchased parts and treat them with kerosene. Broken and unusable elements are not needed for repairs;
  • A number of professionals believe that the final tightening of bolts and nuts does not require the participation of a jack;
  • The struts can be checked using the wheel alignment method. This method increases the service life and increases the comfort of the trip;
  • There are special stands where you can check the result of the replacement. The price of the service is small. At the same time, one’s own skill and skill is tested;
  • Don't worry if the support bearing doesn't come out with the strut when you remove it.

Popular question: how often do parts need to be replaced? There is no clear answer. Vehicle operating conditions, quality of spare parts and personal skills are key success factors. If a car owner likes to “pick up” potholes and pits, then the time for repairs will inevitably approach. It is also obvious that if there are “symptoms” of a malfunction (dull knocks, fluid leakage or spring deformation), then there is no need to hesitate.

The process is simple. You just need to know clearly what and when to do. A competent selection of tools and spare parts is half the battle, and step-by-step instructions that allow you to carry out repairs yourself will help you complete what you started. Take care of yourself and your car, because health and life are the most valuable things we have.


Almost every driver, even those far from mechanics and repairs, knows that replacing the rear struts on a VAZ 2110 is carried out when the car unsuccessfully runs into potholes. At the same time, replacing the rear struts on a VAZ 2110 must be carried out competently and using special equipment.

What problem does the rear pillar solve?

A car's pillars, including the front ones, are car components that are designed to absorb body energy transmitted from driving on the road surface.
If the road is uneven, then a double load sits on the racks.
In fact, not only the comfort of movement, but in many cases also safety depends on the operation of the racks.

  • So:
    In particular, they are responsible for the wear of the car’s chassis, help, together with shock absorbers, to resolve issues with body bouncing, and much more. As is known, at the moment of bouncing, the wheels of the car lose contact with the road surface and temporarily become suspended from transmitting the brake, driving and exerting lateral forces.
  • As a result, all this affects driving safety.

As for driving comfort, it is lost without high-quality shock absorption, especially if the direction of movement changes when moving over bumps. In addition, when braking or sharply accelerating, every pebble on the road, or rather its energy, is transferred to the cabin, so to speak, without filtering.

  • In addition, poorly performing shock absorbers increase braking distances and allow the vehicle to bounce on the road, causing severe body vibration. It swings from side to side, which contributes to rapid wear of tires and other parts of the car's chassis.

Correct and competent replacement of the rear pillars of a VAZ 2110 with your own hands, in this case, becomes a decisive operation, which, despite its apparent simplicity, is a serious process where you can make a lot of mistakes.

Knock or it's time for replacement

This often happens. The car runs about 30 thousand km and nothing, and then suddenly the wheel bearings start knocking at the rear.
So it becomes necessary to replace the rear struts. In fact, the knocking sound of the rear suspension is a kind of signal indicating the need for replacement.
At the same time, it is still unknown which part should be replaced. After all, a knock does not necessarily indicate a breakdown of the rear suspension, but can only indicate defects.
Therefore, it will be relevant to touch upon the topic of determining the cause experimentally and professionally.
Therefore, let’s look at the main causes of knocking from behind, so that you know what’s what:

  • If the car is moving on an uneven road and a knocking sound is heard, then the cause is most likely faulty shock absorbers that need to be replaced with new ones;
  • If it is clearly visible that the rubber bushings of the suspension arms are worn out, then the problem is in the suspensions themselves, which need to be replaced;
  • If the spring has settled, then it also needs to be replaced;
  • A knock may indicate weak fastening of the shock absorber itself or wear of the rubber bushings of the eyes (all worn elements are replaced with new ones, and the nuts and bolts are properly tightened);
  • A knock may also appear when the rear suspension is overloaded or due to its breakdown, which is possible due to the destruction of the compression stroke buffer;
  • Sediment or breakage of one of the suspension springs also requires replacement;
  • A knock can also occur when the rear axle of the VAZ 2110 moves due to destruction of the suspension arm bushings;
  • If the knocking comes from the suspension arms, then they simply need to be replaced with new ones;
  • The knocking can also be determined by unloading the trunk (passengers are not seated behind the car and thus the cause of the knocking is determined, which most likely lies in the shock absorbers or springs).

Rear suspension design for VAZ 2110

On the VAZ 2110, the rear suspension is a dependent structure with coil springs and double-acting telescopic shock absorbers.
The main load-bearing element is the beam, which, in turn, consists of:

  • trailing arms;
  • connector;
  • brackets with lugs;
  • silent blocks, etc.


If a problem is discovered and it becomes necessary to change the rear struts, then you need to carry out a number of operations.
To begin, you will need to arm yourself with the following tools:

  • Key to 6;
  • Key to 17;
  • Key for racks
  • Key to 19.



  • we dismantle the luggage compartment in the area of ​​the rear arches;
  • Next, remove the rear belts, as well as the brackets that secure the rear seat;
  • take a special wrench designed for struts and unscrew the rear strut rod nut;

  • Now you will need to lift the car, or rather its rear part;
  • Next, unscrew the nuts securing the lower part of the rack;
  • remove the stand from its place.

At this stage, the removal of the rear pillar of the VAZ 2110 ends.


In the process, the new strut will need to be fitted with a compression stroke buffer, a special spacer-type bushing, a casing with an upper cover, a shock absorber pad, a support-type washer and a spring.
Let's get started:

  • insert the shock absorber rod into the upper hole;
  • we press the rack with a beam, using a crowbar or a reliable lift;
  • Now you will need to insert the lower mount of the rear pillar into the beam;
  • after this you need to carefully fasten the nuts securing the stand;
  • install wheels;
  • we lower the car.

A rear strut is nothing without a good shock absorber

After replacing the racks on a VAZ 2110, the following situation may occur. The wheels began to hold the road normally over bumps and uneven surfaces, but before, before the replacement, the rear of the car would bounce even on small bumps.
But, although road stability became normal, driving comfort suddenly disappeared. In other words, now the bumps hit the driver’s back through the seat, and the car really shakes on the road.
What's the matter? Maybe it's all a matter of grinding in the new struts or is this how it should be?
It turns out that the whole problem may actually lie in the shock absorbers or in the bearings, but then the knocking should not disappear. Therefore, correct replacement of racks implies knowledge of its design, so to speak, an integrated approach must be applied.


  • Shock absorbers in this case can play a very important role. As you know, today there are a lot of different shock absorbers of gas and oil type.
    Some of them are specially made rigid and when driving on uneven roads, you will definitely feel all the bumps. But driving in this case will be simply superb.
    Typically, such shock absorbers include products from expensive manufacturers intended for sports driving on highways and even surfaces.
  • As for off-road driving, most experts agree that oil shock absorbers are no better in this case. In particular, they are cheaper and do not have too high rigidity.
    That is why, if after replacing the rear struts you feel stiffness and discomfort in the ride, the problem may lie in the shock absorbers. They will have to be replaced.
  • Today, in addition to oil-type shock absorbers, there are also those equipped with special stiffness adjustment.

But they are very expensive and not every VAZ 2110 owner can afford to buy them.

Changing the shock absorber

  • Replacing the shock absorber is carried out as follows:
  • the car is raised on a jack, and stops are placed under the front wheels;
  • again, the rear seat is dismantled;
  • from inside the cabin, unscrew the bolts securing the upper parts of the shock absorbers;
  • Now you will need to unscrew the lower shock absorber mount;

By removing the lower end from the bracket, the shock absorber will automatically be removed along with the spring.

  • Here, in this video, you can see how shock absorbers are replaced.
  • after the shock absorber and spring come out, you will need to remove the spring insulating gasket, which is located in the wheel well;

  • remove the support washer, again from the interior (as in the photo);
  • the cushion and bushing are also removed;
  • then the casing is removed from the shock absorber, and from there the compression stroke buffer;

install a new shock absorber.
The instructions recommend carrying out the above operations strictly according to the rules. And even a beginner who only knows how to hold a wrench in his hand can cope with replacing the rear struts of a VAZ 2110 car.
Also on our resource you can find out how it is done.

By carrying out the replacement operation yourself, you can even save a lot of money, because the price for services of this kind in car services is quite high.

Only on the “nines” they are assembled into a single unit, and on the “classics” they are installed independently of each other. Repair and maintenance of the suspension on a VAZ-2109 car can be done independently, you just need to know the general design of the car and be able to use the tool.

Rear suspension design

The basis of the entire structure is a shock-absorbing strut, which dampens body vibrations when driving on uneven surfaces. The rear struts of a VAZ-2109 are replaced without dismantling other components of the vehicle's suspension. The rear shock absorber strut consists of:

  • shock absorber;
  • metal plates under a spring;
  • springs;
  • rubber cushions;
  • fastening elements - nuts and bolts.

All these elements are connected into a single unit and installed on both sides of the car. It turns out that the design dampens the vibrations that the entire rear part of the car produces when driving on an uneven road.

What does a shock absorber consist of?

In addition, the shock absorber itself includes many smaller elements. The base is a system similar in some ways to a hand pump. Only instead of air it pumps oil. Some shock absorbers can be repaired - it is enough to completely disassemble them and replace all components that have become unusable. You will also need to add oil, and exactly as much as indicated in technical specifications to a specific model.

To independently check the serviceability of the shock absorber, simply lower the body as low as possible. In this case, its rod should enter as much as possible. After this, the body is abruptly released. If the shock absorber is working properly, the body will make 1-3 oscillations and then stop. But if the device is faulty, the body will oscillate much longer. The reason for this behavior is most likely that oil has completely leaked out of the housing or the

What tools are needed to replace struts?

When replacing the silent block of the rear pillar of a VAZ-2109, it is advisable to install the car on an inspection hole or overpass. In this situation, repairs occur much faster, because there are more amenities. To make the repair yourself, you will need:

  1. Jack - preferably hydraulic.
  2. Body supports.
  3. Wheel chocks - installed under the front wheels.
  4. A set of keys.
  5. Spring puller.
  6. Steel wire.

Wire may be required to secure the spring in a compressed state. But you can use thick copper or aluminum instead of steel. Only these metals are much softer and under the influence of elastic force the springs can stretch.

Preparatory work

Before starting work on replacing rubber bands on the rear pillars of the VAZ-2109 or dismantling elements, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare. To do this, before starting repairs, treat all threaded connections with WD-40 in advance. The lubricant must remain on the metal for at least half an hour to completely clean the threads of rust and dirt.

There are only two at the rear pillar nine - the top one inside the trunk and the bottom one on the beam. To remove the shock absorber, you need to unscrew the nuts and bolts. But before this, you must compress the spring as much as possible and fix its position with steel wire or some kind of rigid staples. The main thing is to prevent the spring from relaxing during the repair process.

How to remove the rear strut on the "nine"?

To dismantle the rear pillar on a VAZ-2109, you will need to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Loosen the wheel bolts on the side to be repaired.
  2. Raise the rear of the car on a jack.
  3. Remove the wheel completely.
  4. Place a support under the body and lower the car onto it.
  5. Check how well the spring is compressed with a puller.
  6. Open the trunk, remove the rubber plug covering the place where the shock absorber rod is attached.
  7. Using a long tubular wrench size 17 or a special tool, unscrew the nut from the rod.
  8. Unscrew the lower mounting of the shock absorber strut.
  9. Pull out the entire rack assembly.

That's all, now you can repair or replace the rear struts of the VAZ-2109 with your own hands.

Repair or change?

Some motorists are faced with a completely reasonable question - should they try to restore the old struts themselves, since the cost of new ones is quite high? The cheapest ones of unknown production and quality will cost no less than 1,500 rubles apiece. If you decide to repair them yourself, it will be at least three times cheaper. But there are several pitfalls:

  1. If the life of the old racks is already decent, then there may be strong wear on the rod, due to which it is sometimes impossible to achieve perfect sealing.
  2. It is unlikely that you will be able to fill the shock absorber with as much oil as is necessary for proper operation. If you make a mistake of a couple of grams on the smaller side, the shock absorber will not work. If you pour more than normal, the seals will break.

And the quality of the elements in repair kits often leaves much to be desired. Therefore, replacing the rack assemblies will be much more effective. Their resource will be much higher than that of restored ones.

Assembly of the rear pillar "nine"

And now a few words about how to properly replace the rear struts of a VAZ-2109. Many motorists change only the shock absorber and pillows, without adding special significance springs. And it’s worth paying attention to them. As they wear out, they sag, and the length of all turns becomes less than necessary. As a result, the entire suspension will not work properly.

When assembling, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Install a compressed spring onto the strut.
  2. Secure the rubber pads on the last coil of the spring using insulating tape.
  3. Carefully, being careful not to move the spring relative to the shock absorber, install the strut in place.
  4. Install the nut on the top of the shock absorber rod.
  5. Install the bottom of the post onto the beam. Secure with a bolt.

Tighten all threaded connections after assembly is complete and remove the puller from the spring. After this, you can replace the wheel and begin repairing the second side - it is done in exactly the same way. After repairs, it is advisable to make the final tightening of the nuts after installing the car on the wheels. And after 20-30 kilometers, check the tightness of all connections - sometimes the nuts get loose after driving. Try to use nuts with plastic locks on the threads.

Many drivers mistakenly draw a parallel between concepts such as a shock absorber strut and the shock absorber itself. Some of them believe that this is an ordinary spring, or call all the elements of this system assembled together a strut. To understand that this is an erroneous opinion, it is worth studying in more detail the question of what racks are and what features of their design are present.

A shock absorber strut is a component that is required to connect components such as the body and wheels of a vehicle. This support is connected to a spring and a damper, which, by the way, is the main component of the shock absorber.

To understand how the front shock absorber struts of a vehicle function, the MX should be divided into two main structural elements - a spring and a shock absorber. They are the ones who put the whole mechanism into action.


The main element of this part is designed to level out a variety of defects in modern road surfaces. It is also necessary to reduce vibration activity, which is reflected on the body during movement. When moving along a heavily broken road, it is thanks to the spring that the driver only feels the smooth rocking of the car. the spring absorbs the most powerful shocks, that is, completely dampens them.

The metal from which the spring is made must have optimal elasticity. Typically, the steel used is one that is optimally suited for a specific vehicle brand, its weight and general specialization.

The spring is installed with one side in a special cup of the rack, and the other part passes through a rubber spacer, which, in turn, rests against the body.

Shock absorber

This is the stand itself, which, when compared with the same spring, is a more complex part in its design. Here are the most basic design features:

  1. A two-chamber cylinder along which a piston moves, pre-attached to a rod. It is this that is filled with gas or liquid.
  2. The working composition circulates in the inside of both chambers, on the basis of which all struts, like standard shock absorbers, are divided into several types.

The main task of a shock absorber is to dampen vibrations that come from the spring. The depreciation procedure implies a serious increase in the level of pressure generated by the internal part of the part. Its reduction is carried out due to special valves, which are located directly on the piston. Depending on the general position, the elements automatically close and open so as to effectively regulate the applied loads.

Purpose of the front pillars

Any type of elastic metal from which the spring is made, when exposed to one or another mechanical factor, forms automatic residual vibrations, which cause serious discomfort to passengers and the driver. It is to dampen such shaking and vibrations that the shock absorber was developed and is widely used. It can completely transform sharp shocks into almost imperceptible soft vibrations.

Shock absorber struts play a major role in the structure of the entire vehicle suspension. Due to the relatively small size and ease of maintenance, the manufacturer produces structures at minimal cost.

Due to their small dimensions, the racks take up minimal free space. Due to this, you can easily place additional levers and other structural elements that can make the trip as comfortable as possible.

At the same time as increasing the level of comfort, the front shock absorber strut is designed to perform the following functions:

  • maintaining vehicle weight;
  • transfer of adhesion force with asphalt pavement to the body;
  • maintaining the optimal position of the body in relation to the car wheels;
  • eliminating excess roll;
  • taking on serious lateral loads.

The price of the struts is an order of magnitude higher compared to the shock absorbers themselves. The reason is a more complex design, as well as the fact that high quality materials are used in production.

Types of front struts

All car struts operate using a special working fluid. Based on the substance used in the cylinder device, front shock absorber struts can be divided into three main types:

  1. Oil or hydraulic. They are effective when traveling within the city, as well as on country roads.
  2. Gas. They are distinguished by higher rigidity rates. This is the best option for modern sports cars. There is an opinion that gas structures belong to the category of more modern devices. But if the car often moves on dirt roads, this category of shock absorbers is not very suitable.
  3. Gas-oil. As numerous reviews say, this is the optimal solution for any vehicle. All the positive characteristics of the categories of shock absorbers listed above are present here.

The front and rear pillars are different from each other, so you need to be careful during the purchasing process.

The front ones are slightly higher in length and have a smaller diameter. There are no steering knuckles in the rear shock absorber designs. Additionally, rear struts are much more difficult to replace than front struts.

The total operating time of front shock absorbers, as well as the frequency of their replacement, directly depends on three main factors:

  • part quality;
  • level of compliance with vehicle weight;
  • manner of traveling by car.

For this reason, on some machines parts have to be changed every 6 months, while on others the designs last for 7 years.

Such a difference in service life is based on improper operation of vehicles, as well as poorly selected main structures and springs. Neglect of these rules can lead to the fact that the load will not be distributed evenly, which will automatically negatively affect the service life of the entire shock-absorbing system of the car.

Signs of problems

If the right or left rack fails, this can lead to an emergency situation. It is for this reason that it is so important to carefully monitor your vehicle. Timely repair work will avoid a large number of problems.

The following signs and characteristic symptoms indicate a breakdown of the front struts:

  • during the movement there is a constant creaking, knocking and clicking sound;
  • the car constantly rocks and oscillates from side to side;
  • the car skids seriously when turning;
  • To perform braking, a much longer braking distance is required than with working shock absorbers;
  • the vehicle squats heavily as soon as the driver accelerates or brakes. Unpleasant sensations at the same time, they are present both behind and in front;
  • the machine clings to the surface very poorly;
  • rubber wears out very quickly and unevenly;
  • Brake fluid leaks from the shock-absorbing system;
  • the supports, spring and rod become covered with destructive corrosion;
  • a significant increase in noise level during acceleration. This indicates that the fasteners of the built-in bushings have been damaged;
  • the housing is deformed, which is why the piston cannot move normally in the inside of the cylinder;
  • The springs are not positioned very correctly, as a result of which the car body begins to sway while driving.

Such phenomena usually occur due to the poor quality of the main elements of the racks, due to improper installation, as well as due to the natural process of wear and aging of the built-in elements.

It is impossible to say which racks you need to buy. It all depends on material wealth and the vehicle itself. In any case, there is no need to save on these elements. It is worth buying designs that have a large number of positive reviews and are produced by trusted manufacturers.

Front strut replacement process

If the bearing, upper support and the entire strut as a complete assembly have already served their useful life, there is only one way out - replacing the front shock absorbers. This operation on the front of the car can be done with your own hands.

If the left or right strut is worn out, both will need to be replaced at the same time.

When making a replacement, you must rely on a special repair manual. Despite the fact that there are certain differences in the design of different car brands, the algorithm of action is similar in all cases. The sequence of manipulations here is as follows:

  1. Access to the upper support of the rack is freed. Here you will have to remove the engine compartment seal.
  2. The plug is removed and the fastening nut of the AC rod is unscrewed. You will need a head, as well as an extension with a knob. It is advisable to carry out this operation when the rack itself has not yet been dismantled.
  3. It is worth loosening the wheel fasteners, and then jacking up the car to such a position that the tires do not touch the ground. Here you definitely need to ensure that the jack does not fall off.
  4. The wheel is being removed. Using a metal brush, you need to clean all the structural elements located there. It is advisable to treat them with WD40 and wait for the composition to take effect.
  5. The fastening nut is unscrewed from the installed stabilizer hinge (read what it is). This must be done simultaneously with the brake hose screw. If the car has ABS, you will need to remove the tube with wiring from the sensor, which is located on the rack.
  6. After this, the fist fastener is unscrewed. Many experts knock out bolts with a simple hammer. It is worth knowing that some cars have separate bushings. After this manipulation, nothing holds the stand anymore.
  7. Now is the time to unscrew the nut holding the top mount to the body. The front shock absorber strut is removed simultaneously with the support and spring.
  8. You will need ties that are designed to remove the spring. Here you will need to get a gap between the cup and the outermost turn.
  9. Previously, the nut on the rod was already loosened, now it can be completely unscrewed. Only then will it be possible to remove the support and spring at the same time as the cup.
  10. If the bump stop along with the anthers are worn out, they must also be replaced.
  11. It is advisable to seriously pump new front struts beforehand. This process is carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
  12. It is necessary to replace the gaskets and seals, since the old seals will no longer fit.
  13. Reassembly is in progress.

If you follow these instructions, you can quickly replace the front struts with new ones, ensuring comfortable movement of the car and ensuring a high level of safety. The support will become strong, the suspension will stop swaying and negatively affect the overall operation of the vehicle.


Every driver must understand that the suspension and the entire shock-absorbing system as a whole directly affects the overall behavior of the vehicle on the road. A-pillars are one of the most basic elements of the entire assembly, which effectively stabilizes the car and requires replacement from time to time. To avoid unpredictable behavior of the car on the track, you need to monitor the serviceability of the struts and the degree of their wear.

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