Walkthrough Until Dawn. How to save all the characters in Until Dawn - the best ending Matt - Washington Manor

In the horror film Until Dawn, released on PS4, players are given control of 8 unique heroes and, depending on your actions, not all of them will be able to survive to the end. For this reason, we decided to write a guide in which we will tell you in detail how to save all the characters in order to get the best ending in the game. In addition, you will be able to open 4 trophies at once (3 gold and 1 silver).

Note: the guide contains spoilers for the plot, so if you do not want to know anything about it, we advise you to refrain from reading the article or read only excerpts of the text about the characters that interest you.

First of all, we'll give you a few useful recommendations, which will help you keep all the heroes alive and get a good ending:

  • Try to make sure that Jessica, Matt and Josh don't die before the end of Episode 10, as this will determine which ending you get.
  • During the ending, make sure that Sam, Emily, Ashley and Mike are inside the house.
  • In the last scene, order Sam to help Mike, and then click on the “Hide” option, giving the heroes who find themselves in the building the opportunity to escape. Do not click on the “Switch” option, as the girl will blow up the building in this case. When everyone gets out of the house, a cutscene will begin, which will show Sam running out of the house and blowing it up along the way.

How to keep Jessica from dying

To save Jessica, you will have to perform several important actions at an accelerated pace. So, as soon as she is kidnapped from the guest house through the window, you need to immediately run after her and point out the most dangerous routes, not forgetting to slide down the slide. The next time the girl makes herself known only in the 9th episode in the mine.

When playing as Jessica, you will have to save her life twice. The first time you should hide from the Wendigo, and not try to run away from it. The second time when the options “run” or “go ahead” appear, select the latter option.

How to keep Josh from dying

To save Josh, you have to find absolutely all the evidence in the twins' case. In this case, this character will be able to easily identify the tattoo on his sister’s arm. His life will also depend on whether Sam managed to find Hannah's diary while underground. However, as a result, Josh will become a Wendigo.

How to keep Emily from dying

If you don’t want the girl to go to her forefathers, then in episode 8, when escaping from the mines, you need to activate the elevator and go upstairs. Otherwise, you will see how her eyes are pierced. It's not a pleasant sight.

However, this is not the only condition. These may also include the following actions:

  • You must complete all QTEs in the above chase without a single mistake, which will end after jumping onto the conveyor belt. Otherwise, the girl’s eyes will be pierced again.
  • While rolling along the conveyor belt, you must again press the gamepad buttons correctly so as not to end up in the crusher.
  • In the same episode, if Emily is bitten by a monster, Mike will decide to shoot her. You can pull the trigger or save the girl's life.
  • In the last chapter, her life will depend on Sam's actions - if she activates the switch without waiting for the right moment, then the house where Emily is located will fly into the air.

How to keep Matt from dying

Having gained control of Matt, do not shoot the animals in episode 6 and do not try to help Emily, who is hanging on the Fire Tower, which is about to fall. If you don’t know what to do, then simply jump away from the building to a safe place.

Have you decided to save the girl? In this case, the boy will fall into the mine and come face to face with the Wendigo. However, all is not lost for him here - he will be able to get out of trouble if he has a flare gun (Emily can give it to him at the Fire Tower) with at least one charge (no need to shoot it earlier while on the tower).

In episode 10, Matt will be able to survive if he decides to go straight, hiding from the Wendigo. The remaining options most often end in the death of the guy.

How to keep Chris from dying

In episode 7, Chris will be able to find a gun and will have to choose who to shoot - himself or Ashley. Point to yourself. You will fire a shot, but nothing will happen, since the cartridges will be blank. This action is necessary so that in the 8th episode the girl decides to let the guy into the house when the monster is chasing him (otherwise she will give him to be torn to pieces by the monster). By the way, be sure to shoot the Wendigo during the chase, otherwise Chris will die.

In episode 9, Ashley will hear Jessica's voice in the mine. If she decides to find out what happened and opens the hatch, she will die immediately. Chris will follow the girl and find her hat, covered in blood. If you send him to study the hatch, he will die. If you try to run away, he will still die (the monster will attack the guy from the ceiling). Therefore, you need to prevent the girl from opening this ill-fated hatch and keep Chris as far away from him as possible.

How to keep Sam from dying

Throughout the game, Sam will play the role of a real lucky one, that is, she will not be able to die no matter what option you choose. The only time her life will hang by a thread will happen only at the very end. When hiding from the monster in the House, stand still and press all the buttons correctly - in this case the girl will survive. If you make even one movement, you will immediately throw back your fins.

How to keep Ashley from dying

When playing as Chris, at some point you will need to choose who to spend - Ashley or Josh. Cut the last one.

In Chapter 9, when playing as Ashley, you will hear strange sounds in the mine that will come from a hatch on the floor. Ignore them and continue following the other heroes. If you decide to check the hatch, you will immediately die at the hands of Windigo.

In the 10th episode, the girl’s life will completely depend on Sam. If she decides to activate the switch ahead of time, the house will blow up along with Ashley.

How to keep Mike from dying

Another lucky one who is unable to die until the very end, regardless of your choice. In the 10th episode, you need to press all the buttons on the gamepad correctly without a single mistake. In addition, when Sam has the choice of “help Mike” or “press the switch,” she must choose the first option. Is the girl no longer alive? Then Mike will automatically decide to sacrifice himself and blow up the building.

If you use all of our tips and can save every hero in this unusual horror game, you can get the best ending in Until Dawn.

How to save all the characters?

Until Dawn- a game in which your actions affect the development of the plot. If you want to save everyone, then you have to do correct elections for this. Some characters are more difficult to save than others. One wrong step can ruin everything and you will have to start over.

It is worth noting that the guide contains SPOILERS, so we recommend that you play through the game at least once first.

Sam: She's pretty easy to save. She can only die in the last chapter. You just have to stay still when you need to and do the QTEs correctly. The main thing is not to be nervous, as any movement of the joystick will warn the Wendigo and you will die.

Mike: Another character who is easy to save. He also can't die until the last chapter. To save him, Sam must choose to save Mike. Next, try to hide until everyone leaves the house and Sam automatically runs to press the switch. If you choose the option where Sam runs away and turns on the switch, Mike will explode along with the house.

Ashley: When they want to kill her and Josh with a circular saw, then sacrifice Josh. In episode nine there will be two options - “find out what the voices are” and “follow the group”. Select "follow the group" to rescue them.

Emily: There is an unpleasant moment when the Wendigos are chasing her. Be sure to complete all QTEs correctly, otherwise she will die. In addition, it is better not to go on the conveyor belt, as there is an easier route. There will be several dangerous saws on the conveyor belt. Don't let Mike shoot her when he suspects her of becoming a Wendigo. Just put down the joystick and Mike will chicken out.

Chris: When Ashley and Chris are tied up, choose to shoot Chris. Never point a gun at Ashley or try to shoot her. Even though the gun contains blank bullets, this could have a detrimental effect on Chris in the future. In Chapter 8, after the stranger's death, shoot the Wendigo accurately and don't miss. If you didn't shoot Ashley, she will open the door for Chris and he will be saved.

Matt: At the beginning of Chapter 5, Matt and Emily encounter deer. Just go forward and don't attack the animal with an ax. Later in this chapter, choose not to save Emily and just jump off the platform. Later you will need to complete all of Matt's QTEs correctly. As with Sam, moving the joystick will alert the Wendigo and Matt will die.

Jessica: She will be the hardest to save. Your actions in previous chapters ensure its safety. First of all, after she was kidnapped, Mike will have to use riskier options. Safe options waste a lot of time. Also, you only have to be wrong once or twice. Make too many mistakes and Jessica will die. As Mike, you will have to slide down the slope when possible, as taking the long way will mean her death. If you do everything right, Jessica will survive, although the elevator will fall. Afterwards she will appear only in Chapter 9. Remember, this is where you need to hide, not run, when given a choice.

Josh: There is a secret ending with Josh saving everyone. You just need to find the Gemini clue. He recognizes his sister's tattoo.

The game has six slightly different endings. It all depends on how many characters are left alive. There is even an option when all the heroes of the game die.

So, in total there are eight friends and you will find out how to join in one situation or another in order to preserve their existence.

Let's start the Until Dawn mini-guide on stopgame.ru.


In one of the episodes of the game you will have to choose who to kill - Josh or Ashley. Choose the option: kill Josh (the young lady will still survive, but if you make a different choice, then later she will not save Chris). During the passage of the ninth chapter, you do not need to go to the rumble, but move with another group. But even if you follow the noise, you don’t need to expose the hatch from which the sounds are coming.
Ashley. Chris

During the passage of the sixth chapter, there is no need to point a weapon at Ashley. Choose the option to shoot yourself in the head. Pull the trigger. In the eighth chapter, shoot all the enemies with weapons, after which Ashley will allow you to go inside the house. Very fun fact: If you try to kill Ashley instead of Josh in Chapter 6, the young lady will still survive, but in Chapter 8 she won't open the door for Chris.
Chris. Emily

In the eighth chapter, escape from the upper room, and also do not skip the QTE actions. Press all the buttons correctly.
Emily. Jessica

In Chapter 4, when Mike is trying to get rid of Jessica, take a more risky route. There will be several choices - you must take the shortest route (do not bypass anything, etc.).

In the tenth chapter of the century, choose the “hide” option (when the creature is in the mine), and also do not skip QTE actions. Press all the buttons correctly.
Jessica. Josh

Josh, dependent on your actions, will live until the tenth episode. And then... Find all the clues of the twins (20 objects), or Josh will not be able to find that the Wendigo's hand has the same tattoo as one of the lost sisters. If Josh doesn't find the tattoo, the Wendigo will crush his skull.
Josh. Matt

In the sixth chapter, when Mike and Emily are surrounded by animals, do not hit anyone. When you are on the radio tower, choose a “safe jump” and under no circumstances come forward to help Emily. In order to support Emily, you must have a flare gun.
Matt. Mike

Mike, dependent on your actions, will live until the tenth episode. Playing as Sam, you will be asked to make a choice (in the coffin of the game): save Mike or run to the switch and turn on the light. Save Mike, and then pour in the light.
Mike. Sam

Sam, dependent on your actions, will live until the tenth episode. Don't miss QTE activities during the game and successfully hide from the Wendigo.
Sam and the mysterious murderer (in the background). Other great choices

1. In the first episode, do not hit the squirrel.
2. In the fourth episode, make friends with the wolf.
How to Find All 20 Twins Collectibles

In order for Josh to survive, he must recognize the tattoo on the Wendigo's hand. To do this, you absolutely need to concentrate all 20 collectible objects that in one way or another look towards the twins.

We continue the Until Dawn mini-guide on stopgame.ru.

At that time, as if you are tossing Chris, flow out along the dark corridor. There is a canvas hanging on the wall on the reverse side. Study it to get the first clue.

On the ground floor of the house, speaking as the same Chris, check the table on the left. There's a card from the graduation party there. Take it away and look at the return of Palestine. This is the second clue.

Go down to the basement, near the stairs there is a stand with a card. You will have to pick up this card during the game in one of the available episodes. This is the initial chance to pick up the card. Even if you don’t take it now, you can return here later. The third clue has been found or may be found later.

Go around the mansion and follow the path to the gazebo. Look at the point where you found the second clue. There's another one lying on the shelf. The fourth clue has been found.

After the sequence with Mike, control will pass to Sam, who will be in the mansion. Leave the bathroom and enter the bedroom, illuminated by purple rays of light. There will be a business card opposite the bed. This is the fifth clue.

Enter the large closet behind the bed. On the bottom shelf on the right you will see a shiny dot. This is the sixth clue.

As Mike, you will reach a dark office. Don't light the fireplace yet. Instead, go up the corridor on the right. Walk past the gaping door and see a tennis-related image on the counter. This is the seventh clue.

You will move Ashley in the mansion's library. From the starting point you need to roll out and check the corridor on the left side. If you pass by, which is quite likely, you will miss one of the hard-to-see clues. This is the eighth clue.

As Matt, fly through the rope station and flow up the path. Matt's girlfriend will step forward, illuminating the rut with a flashlight. You will need to turn left, towards the cliff. There's a barn to eat here. Go inside it. Matt must trip over something. Lift the boards and take the evidence. This is the tenth clue.

Climb the stairs into the tower, and then open the locker from the wrong side. On the inner panel of the door, examine the missing person poster. This is the eleventh clue.

Activate the feeding in the tower and return to the main room. Here you can eat a printer with a green light. Use it to print out the newly minted evidence. This is the twelfth clue.

In the mines, Emily should see an exit at the top of an icy mountain. She cannot ascend there, so explore the area around this place. On the wrong side, eat wooden boards in the background. Check the hollow space (the corner of the underside of the left plank). This is the thirteenth clue.

Walk around the boards to the left to see the scattered wood. Move there to see numbers on the stone wall. This is the fourteenth clue.
Continue moving to the left of the found evidence. The cave should lead you to a forgotten wooden cross. This is the fifteenth clue.

In the foreground, a couple of chestnut barrels are eating. On one of the barrels there is a card that needs to be studied. This is the sixteenth clue.

The road to the right is the main one for continuing the storyline. Ignore it and continue along the underside path until you reach a barrel with another clue. Make sure you open the medallion and find the seventeenth clue.

The last clue of this chapter will be behind the rusty gate, a salvo after the previous clue was found. Don't turn right, but come to the front and open the door. You will see a doll ahead. Explore it to get the eighteenth clue.

There is no need to jump into the water in the dungeon until you have fully explored the location. There is an additional path going to the left. It will lead you to the nineteenth clue.

The twins' final clue can be found when Sam and his friend jump into the water. Stick to the wrong side. To the left of the water wheel there will be a ledge with the remaining clue. Climb up this ledge and pick up the old notebook from the ground. Be sure to scroll through the entire book to get the twentieth clue. The Until Dawn mini-guide on stopgame.ru is coming to a head. After this, Josh will certainly survive!

How to save all the characters?

Until Dawn- a game in which your actions affect the development of the plot. If you want to save everyone, then you have to make the right choices to do so. Some characters are more difficult to save than others. One wrong step can ruin everything and you will have to start over.

It is worth noting that the guide contains SPOILERS, so we recommend that you play through the game at least once first.

Sam: She's pretty easy to save. She can only die in the last chapter. You just have to stay still when you need to and do the QTEs correctly. The main thing is not to be nervous, as any movement of the joystick will warn the Wendigo and you will die.

Mike: Another character who is easy to save. He also can't die until the last chapter. To save him, Sam must choose to save Mike. Next, try to hide until everyone leaves the house and Sam automatically runs to press the switch. If you choose the option where Sam runs away and turns on the switch, Mike will explode along with the house.

Ashley: When they want to kill her and Josh with a circular saw, then sacrifice Josh. In episode nine there will be two options - “find out what the voices are” and “follow the group”. Select "follow the group" to rescue them.

Emily: There is an unpleasant moment when the Wendigos are chasing her. Be sure to complete all QTEs correctly, otherwise she will die. In addition, it is better not to go on the conveyor belt, as there is an easier route. There will be several dangerous saws on the conveyor belt. Don't let Mike shoot her when he suspects her of becoming a Wendigo. Just put down the joystick and Mike will chicken out.

Chris: When Ashley and Chris are tied up, choose to shoot Chris. Never point a gun at Ashley or try to shoot her. Even though the gun contains blank bullets, this could have a detrimental effect on Chris in the future. In Chapter 8, after the stranger's death, shoot the Wendigo accurately and don't miss. If you didn't shoot Ashley, she will open the door for Chris and he will be saved.

Matt: At the beginning of Chapter 5, Matt and Emily encounter deer. Just go forward and don't attack the animal with an ax. Later in this chapter, choose not to save Emily and just jump off the platform. Later you will need to complete all of Matt's QTEs correctly. As with Sam, moving the joystick will alert the Wendigo and Matt will die.

Jessica: She will be the hardest to save. Your actions in previous chapters ensure its safety. First of all, after she was kidnapped, Mike will have to use riskier options. Safe options waste a lot of time. Also, you only have to be wrong once or twice. Make too many mistakes and Jessica will die. As Mike, you will have to slide down the slope when possible, as taking the long way will mean her death. If you do everything right, Jessica will survive, although the elevator will fall. Afterwards she will appear only in Chapter 9. Remember, this is where you need to hide, not run, when given a choice.

Josh: There is a secret ending with Josh saving everyone. You just need to find the Gemini clue. He recognizes his sister's tattoo.

Until Dawn is one of the most unusual games of this year, an interactive horror film that imitates the youth horror films of the 90s and 2000s. It received 8 points out of 10. In this material we have collected answers to the most popular questions about the game.

Attention! Until Dawn is a story-driven game, so every answer contains spoilers. We recommend that you play through the game at least once before reading this FAQ.

How to save everyone (ending where everyone survived)?

Everyone can be saved except Josh, who, at best, will lose his own humanity and, in fact, turn into a Wendigo.

How to save Joshua

In any case, Josh will either die or turn into a Wendigo. If you collect all the evidence about Josh's missing twin sisters and find Hannah's last note in her diary in the mine, then he can be said to survive. IN key point The Wendigo will surface, drag Mike underwater, and then turn its attention to Josh himself. If you failed to collect all the evidence, then the Wendigo will simply deal with him.

How to save Ashley and Josh

To save Ashley, “sacrifice” Josh in the scene when they are connected and you have to choose between them. In the ninth episode, when you are given the choice of investigating the voices or following the group, choose the second option to prevent them from dying.

How to save Jessica

Its safety depends on your actions in the early episodes. After she is kidnapped, when playing as Mike, choose the most risky options, since safer decisions lead to a banal waste of time. Also drive down the hill - taking the safer route will result in her death. If you did everything correctly, then you will soon see her still alive, do not pay attention to the fact that the elevator will then fall.

After that, she will appear again in the ninth part. Here, when you are offered two options, do not run, but hide.

How to save Beth and Hannah

The twins are doomed anyway. And your decisions in the prologue of the game will not affect their fate in any way. At the same time, you will still meet one sister, although it will not be a happy reunion.

How to escape from a maniac and not screw it up

At first, you can simply run away from him when playing as Sam. However, to avoid getting caught, use the Hide option when you see the elevator shaft; Before doing this, also close the door behind you.

How to save a stranger

There is no way to save him. The Wendigo will decapitate him anyway.

Who's the killer?

The real killer is the Wendigo, a man, one might say, possessed by a malevolent spirit and transformed into a monster.

Who is a maniac, who is behind a mask

Josh. He decided to stage this performance in order to take some kind of revenge on his friends, who were partially responsible for the death of his sisters.

Who will survive?

All main characters can survive.

Who will die?

It all depends on your decisions - any of the main characters can die.

What happens if you leave Hannah?

Regardless of your decision, Beth will fall along with Hannah.

What happens if you collect all the totems?

Each totem found unlocks part of a short video. After finding all the totems, you will be able to see the full video in which the Stranger will tell extremely interesting story, which sheds light on the Wendigo, the mountain on which the game is set, and his own past.

What happens if you cut Ashley, what happens if you choose Joshua, what happens if you kill Ashley

Even if you don't choose Ashley, she won't die - Josh will be sawed up anyway.

What happens if you collect all the evidence?

By collecting all the evidence, you will be able to understand and understand many of the game’s mysteries.

Where to find the clue "twins"

In the second episode, thoroughly explore the mansion, playing as all the characters; there are six clues in total. In the third part, pick up one piece of evidence in the booth, and then a couple more for other characters back in the house. In Episode 5, when playing as Matt, after you cross the bridge, do not follow Emily, but go left; there you will find another clue. In the radio tower you will find two clues, and in the mines, in the next episode - six. Finally, in the tenth part, again in the mines you can find two clues.

Where to find all the evidence, where to find all the totems

Certain story decisions will affect some collectibles. If you make the wrong decision, you will miss some clues and totems. In addition, it is impossible for Jessica or Matt to die, since they are needed to obtain one totem in the tenth episode. To make sure you don't miss anything, make the following decisions:

    In the first episode, don't shoot the squirrel at the shooting range as Chris. If you shoot, then Sam will not be able to hide from the maniac in the fifth chapter, and you will not have the opportunity to get the last piece of evidence about the mysterious man in the seventh episode.

    In the fifth chapter, Sam must avoid being caught by a maniac in order to find some collectible items in the maniac's lair at the beginning of the seventh episode. Just hide in the elevator.

    At the very beginning of the seventh episode, playing as Emily, hide when a man with a flamethrower is chasing you, and do not turn around.

    In episode ten, either Jessica or Matt must be alive to pick up one totem in the mines. For example, to prevent Matt from dying, don't attack the deer or help Emily in episode six.

Otherwise, evidence and totems are scattered throughout all locations of the game, so carefully inspect your surroundings.